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2015-07-14 Selectmen's Minutes
Stow Board of Selectmen
July 14, 2015
Town Building

Present at the meeting that was held at Town Building were Brian Burke, Donald Hawkes, Charles Kern and Thomas Ryan. Absent: Brian Burke.

Also present were William Wrigley, Town Administrator and Maureen Trunfio, Administrative Assistant.

Mr. Hawkes called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Public Input: NoneChairman’s Comments: Mr. Hawkes announced that Town boards are almost always in need of volunteers/members. He mentioned that the Conservation Commission is seeking Associate Members at this time. The Town website lists postings for open volunteer positions.

Meeting minutes
Mr. Ryan moved to accept the meeting minutes of June 23, 2015 as amended. Mr. Kern seconded the motion and it was passed. Mr. Salvie abstained.

Brewer Conservation Land Conservation Restriction
Kathy Sferra of the Conservation Commission and John Busch of the Stow Conservation Trust were present and requested that the Board consider signing the Conservation Restriction associated with property located at South Acton Road and Tuttle Lane. The Town voted to purchase the property at 2015 Annual Town Meeting.  The Board briefly discussed Town water rights on conservation parcels.
Mr. Salvie moved that the Board of Selectmen approve the Conservation Restriction for the 1.5 acre Brewer property, adjacent to the Captain Sargent Conservation Area and purchased by the Town with Community Preservation Act funds in July 2015, to the Stow Conservation Trust, as described in the agreement presented at the meeting on July 14, 2015. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Fall Special Town Meeting Discussion
The Board discussed the possible need for a Special Town Meeting in late fall this year. There are two bylaws that are being re-written as well as the possibility of the need for a vote on the proposed Minuteman High School building project. Mr. Wrigley mentioned that the Cemetery Committee might have a project they would like to put forth and the Fire Station/Community Center Building Committee discussed possibility of holding a vote for the residents to vote to use contingency funds in the building project on a new roof at this time instead of ten years from now, as was originally proposed.
A straw vote indicated that the Board would be in favor of a fall Special Town Meeting, but if it were determined that a meeting is definitely needed, they would set a date later in the summer.
Appointment for Registrar of Voters
Debra Seith, Office Assistant to the Town Clerk, expressed interest in serving as the Registrar of Voters. The Clerk recommended her appointment.
On the recommendation of the Town Clerk, Mr. Ryan moved to appoint Debra Seith as a Registrar of Voters, to complete an unexpired three-year term ending June 30, 2016.  Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Economic Development & Industrial Commission Appointment
Mannie Afonso and Serena Domolky-Howlett expressed interest in being re-appointed to the Economic Development & Industrial Commission.
Mr. Ryan moved to reappoint Mannie Afonso as a member of the Economic Development & Industrial Commission for a five-year term ending June 30, 2020.  Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Mr. Ryan moved to reappoint Serena Domolky-Howlett as a member of the Economic Development & Industrial Commission for a five-year term ending June 30, 2020. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Appointment of Board of Selectmen’s Representative to Capital Planning Committee
Jim Salvie has agreed to represent the Board of Selectmen to the Capital Planning Committee.

In accord with Article 4, Section 8 of the Town of Stow General Bylaws, Mr. Ryan moved to appoint Jim Salvie as the Selectmen’s representative to the Capital Planning Committee for a two-year term ending June 30, 2017. Mr. Kern seconded the motion and it was passed. Mr. Salvie abstained.

2015 Bike for the Woods Permit
The Stow Conservation Trust will be sponsoring the annual Bike for the Woods ride on  August 23rd. A great portion of the route will travel though Stow. Public Safety officials have reviewed the route and details for this ride, and have approved the application. A Certificate of Insurance that will expire at the end of July has been received and an updated certificate has been requested before the event.

Mr. Ryan moved to approve the use of Town public ways for the Stow Conservation Trust Bike for the Woods on Sunday, August 23, 2015. Mr. Kern seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Appoint Part-Time Assistant Facilities Manager
Mr. Wrigley explained that proper posting procedure was followed for the position and that Doug Hyde applied for the position. Mr. Hyde was interviewed by the Building Inspector and Mr. Wrigley and was hired. He was not present at this meeting due to travel plans.

Mr. Ryan moved to appoint Doug Hyde as part-time Assistant Facilities Manager, a position in which the expressed duties and responsibilities include providing local inspector services for a one-year term ending May 31, 2016 and subject to reappointment thereafter. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. Wrigley reported that he had successfully negotiated contracts for fire, police and dispatch unions with an effective date of July 1, 2015. He said that he is in the process of reviewing final language and would hope to be able to sign by the week’s end. He hoped that the Board would authorize him to execute each contract. The Board thanked Mr. Wrigley for his fine negotiating skills and expressed appreciation to the Unions and expressed appreciation to the respective Unions for the responsible negotiations. The Board agreed to grant authority to Mr. Wrigley to execute the contracts.
Mr. Ryan moved to authorize the Town Administrator to execute the new three-year Fire, Police, and Dispatch contracts beginning with fiscal year 2016. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Mr. Wrigley added that he’s awaiting details from Minuteman High School on the subject of a possible district-wide vote.
At 8:25 p.m. the Town Administrator left the meeting.
Liaison Reports
Mr. Kern had nothing to report.
Mr. Ryan had nothing to report.
Mr. Salvie reported that the Fire Station/Community Center Building Committee is awaiting a figure for soft costs associated with the Pompo School building project. They are in the process of scheduling a formal ground-breaking ceremony later this month.
Mr. Salvie also reported that the Randall Library Trustees are in the process of formulating a survey to be circulated town wide in an attempt to assess who uses the library and how. He speculated that they may be at the very beginning of an attempt to consider a new or remodeled library and might eventually seek State funding.  
As the liaison to Stow Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (SMAHT), Mr. Salvie reported that the Trust has prepared a proposal plan for 323 Great Road to bring before Planning Board soon. Mr. Ryan stated that he did not think that 323 Great Road was an appropriate spot for affordable housing mainly because the property may be needed for municipal buildings in the future. He added that the development of a second phase of Plantation development might better serve as a better location for housing. Mr. Salvie added that SMAHT is prepared to move forward on the home in foreclosure on Elm Ridge Road.
Mr. Hawkes reported that he had attended Tri-Town meeting on July 8th. The Nashoba High School Space Study Task Force presented its Interim Report #2. The findings were that six additional classrooms were needed; two of which will be accommodated by the addition of a portable classroom given to the high school by Stow, and one additional science lab. The Task Force will continue to meet over the summer.
Mr. Hawkes reported that he and Mr. Kern had attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the completed of the runway project at Minute Man Air Field on July 9th.
The Board voted to cancel the regularly scheduled July 28th meeting of the Board of Selectmen due to a lack of agenda items and a conflict with vacation schedules.
Mr. Salvie made a motion to cancel the regularly scheduled Selectmen’s meeting on Tuesday, July 28, 2015. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
At 8:32 p.m. Mr. Ryan made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Administrative Assistant